Saturday, September 17, 2022


Dear Readers,


Let us start this blog content with Gautam Buddha (563 BCE to 483 BCE)  famous Quote. “ALL THAT WE ARE IS THE RESULT OF WHAT WE HAVE THOUGHT”.



Rhonda Byrne Book “SECRET” Says that “REMEMBER THAT YOUR THOUGHTS ARE THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF EVERY THING”.  Human Thoughts are non Physical entity but exist in the form of ENERGY. Does Thought Energy is so powerful to create good or bad events or physical things in our life ? 


In olden days the Philosophers and Scientists were trying to find an answer for HOW LIFE WORKS ? & HOW HUMAN THOUGHT ENERGY CAN CREATE PHYSICAL THING IN OUR LIFE ?  Due to the absence of scientific evidence, there were always  debate  about the influence of MIND (Thought Energy) over MATTER (Physical thing) and vice versa.


Historically there were TWO schools of Thought were prevailing about LIFE PHILOSOPHY and arguments were always between

- Materialistic Philosophy

- Spiritual Philosophy (Dualistic)


Let us understand the views of TWO schools of Thoughts about MATERIALISM & SPIRITUALISM from






HINDU VEDIC PERIOD MATERIALISTIC PHILOSOPHY : During Ancient Hindu Rig Vedic period (1000 BCE) SAGE BRIHASPATI is known for his theory of MATERIALISM and ANTI-THEISM.  His preachings were the foundation of CHARVAKA school of Thought in India. The CHARVAKA essential philosophies were :

1.Direct perception is the only means of establishing and accepting any truth  What cannot be perceived and understood by the senses does not exist.  Simply means Material or Physical things are real.

2.The ultimate good in life is pleasure and the only evil is pain.  Pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain is the sole purpose of human existence

3.Religion is an invention of the strong and clever people who uses the weak people.


HINDU VEDIC PERIOD SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY : In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna talks about THOUGHT in a SPIRITUAL way as  “For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.” Bhagavad Gita 6.6”




A Greek Philosopher DEMOCRITUS (460-370 BC) Profound MATERIAL Philosophy stating that  “WHAT YOU SEE (PHYSICALLY) IS WHAT YOU GET”. 

During 16 Century a FRENCH PHILOSOPHER RENE DESCARTES who tried to study HUMAN LIFE, classified life into  two categories.  Physical Things (eg Human Body and other physical matters) and Non Physical Things such as Mind & Energy, SPACE, TIME etc.   MIND, ENERGY & SPACE are considered as META PHYSICS as it cannot be perceived by Humans and measured scientifically during that period due to lack of scientific tools.  RENE DESCARTES  classified all those things which are physical by nature like Body, Physical Matter under SCIENTIFIC STUDY and those META PHYSICS concepts like MIND, ENERGY, SPACE etc are under SPIRITUAL (RELIGIOUS) STUDY. RENE DESCARTES also proposed that there is NO CONNECTION between BODY & MIND and they have NO INFLUENCE on each other. 

Sir Issac Newton who came later supported RENE DESCARTES theory.  Newton treated UNIVERSE as a CELESTIAL  MACHINE (MATERIALISTIC) and hence according to Newton, UNIVERSE CONTAINS MATTER WHICH IS MADE UP OF PARTICLES. Newton also proposes that ENERGY is an External Force to MOVE objects or to CHANGE the Physical State of Matter (Refer given below Table for more clarification). From the beginning of 16th Century till early 19th Century the Classical Newtonian model was widely accepted and recognized by the SCIENTIFIC Community.



During the same period  another Greek Philosopher SOCRATES 470 – 399 BC, proposed that “VITALISM (Soul or Energy) WHICH IS INVISIBLE ENERGY THAT GIVE SHAPE TO A MATTER”.  Basically  he profound that Mind-Energy shape up the Matter and that laid foundation to Quantum Physics. 


With the advent of Quantum Physics by 1930, started challenging the NEWTONIAN concept that UNIVERSE is CELESTIAL MACHINE and it contains MATTER.  The Quantum Physicists like David Bohm & Albert Einstein observed that, “THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL COMPONENTS OF OUR SO-CALLED PHYSICAL WORLD  ARE BOTH WAVES (ENERGY) AND PARTICLES (PHYSICAL MATTER).


The drastic shift in PARADIGM from Classical / Newtonian approach to Quantum Physics, enable us to study the impact of Mind over Matter.  I give below a table of contents explaining details how QUANTUM PHYSICS differs from  Classical / Newtonian Physics.  Go through the given below table carefully and understand the concepts clearly.  This is the crux of the Quantum Physics and request you not to proceed further without understanding the details in depth. If you have any query about the table content, write comment so that I will clarify the same.







No connection between MATTER (Physical) and MIND ie THOUGHT ENERGY (Meta Physics)

All MATTER (physical) at Sub Atomic level is energy. Human THOUGHT  is also energy & hence both are connected and influence each other


Basis Newton Mechanic principle, the MIND (Thought) had NO / Little  influences on MATTER(Physical) / outcome

Note : Philosophically FATE, DESTINY or GOD decides our material world or outcome

Quantum Physics emphasis that MIND (Thought) influences the MATTER (physical)

 Note : You are the MASTER of your own DESTINY through your thinking pattern


According to classical Newtonian physics model all MATTERs are made up of  particles. 


According to Quantum Physics, the most fundamental components of our so-called physical world (MATTER) are both waves (Energy) and particles (physical matter),


Energy is an external force to MOVE objects (eg steam energy to pull train) or  to CHANGE the physical state of matter (eg heat energy to convert water to steam)

Energy is very fabric (basic) of all material things and this energy is responsive to mind energy

 Albert Einstein LAW : E = mc^2

demonstrating that energy and matter are so fundamentally related that they are one and the same.  Essentially, his work showed that MATTER & ENERGY are completely interchangeable

Note : All religions emphasis that ENERGY (God) is existing in every thing (living or non living) and every where


All physical matters are made up of an ATOM. People believed that an atom was made of a relatively solid nucleus with smaller, less substantial objects (electron, proton etc) either located in or around it.

Atoms seemed to be made of solid stuff


All  matters is more of particles

All physical matters are made up of an ATOM.


Quantum model state that Atoms are mostly empty space and are energy. The atom is 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent matter.

Think about this: everything physical in your life is not solid matter—rather, it’s all fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. 

All matter is more of energy than particles.


We led to believe that electrons orbited about the nucleus like planets around the sun? If so, we could pinpoint their location.

The electron in an atom  exists as a wave of probability (Energy) in one moment, and then in the next moment appears as a solid particle (Physical matter), then disappears into nothing, and then reappears at another location.

Quantum experiments demonstrated that electrons exist simultaneously in an infinite array of possibilities or probabilities in an invisible field of energy (ie an atom). But only when an observer focuses attention on any location of any one electron does that electron appear. In other words, a particle cannot manifest in reality—that is, ordinary space-time as we know it—until we observe itQuantum physics calls this phenomenon “collapse of the wave function” or the “observer effect.”

We now know that the moment the observer looks for an electron, there is a specific point in time and space when all probabilities of the electron collapse into a physical event. With this discovery, mind and matter can no longer be considered separate; they are intrinsically related, because subjective mind produces measurable changes on the objective, physical world.


From the above table especially point 2, Quantum Physics clearly states that the mind as thought energy, plays pivot role in shaping up the materials and events in to one's life.


Also I would like to pay more attention to point 6.  Once again I am explaining this concept in a simple way.  When a group of scientists tried to focus their attention to look for an electron through instrument intensively, suddenly the electron appears / falls from wave form to particle at specific time.   The time varies according to the observers attention.   The scientists are not able to figure out the reason for TIME LAG according to observers attention.


Now let us come to LAW OF ATTRACTION (LOA) subject.  Lot of LOA users are in dilemma that for the same identical desire different people are getting result with varying time period.  For example one LOA user wish is getting fulfilled in 1 Year and for another LOA user the same identical wish comes true after 3 Years.  Why such TIME LAG / Variation in getting desired result for the same wish, when all other parameters are same. 


According to me, If the scientists could find the reason to explain scientifically for the TIME LAG while observing electrons between different observers, they can unfold the mystery of time variation in other LOA issues as stated above. This is my personal opinion and I am not sure whether my thinking is right. I am just expressing my view only.  Probably Quantum Physicist can throw light on this subject.


So far we have touched upon the topic How Mind can influence the outside material world (wealth).  But we will get into more details about this latter along with, How our Mind & Thought energy can influence our Physical well being in scientific way.

In the Next blog we will learn about Brain, Mind (Conscious & Sub Conscious), Thought, Memory and Perception in details.  This will help Readers to Understand LAW OF ATTRACTION Concepts.  These concepts also are foundation to  the SELF DEVELOPMENT topics.  







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