Sunday, July 28, 2024


During my interaction with one of my follower, he has raised one very important query about LOA. He is working in an organization and not happy about his career growth. He wanted to switch his job and applied Jobs in other companies. Simultaneously he also practiced with dedication, various techniques of LOA like AFFIRMATION & VISUALIZATION every day, but he was not getting the desired result. He asked me while discussing why LOA Techniques not working for him. From his tone I realized that he was in ANXIOUS STATE. I am sharing my views, which I discussed with him in detail for others benefit.

I am going to explain those concepts with the help of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) Technique in a simple way. Your mind / brain is getting information as inputs through 5 sense Organs (Visual - Eye, Audio - Ear, Smell - Nose, Taste - Tongue and Touch/Feel - Body). The input getting through these five Sensory organs are called as MODALITIES in NLP.  But these information / input is getting stored at SUB CONSCIOUS Level with SUB MODALITIES.  Sub Modalities are nothing but details about the Sensory Information that are getting stored along with that information.  For example you are seeing (Visual through eye) Mercedes-Benz car.  The Benz car image is stored at your Sub Conscious level with other attributes like Color, Size, Brightness, Close or Far etc.  These attributes (Color, Size, Brightness) of the information is called SUB MODALITIES.  Similarly for Audio (sound)  has got SUB MODALITIES or attributes like Volume, Speed, Direction etc.  Feeling / Sense has got SUB MODALITIES like Temperature, Weight, Location, Movement etc


You are desiring at your CONSCIOUS MIND Level and this desire has to reach your SUB CONSCIOUS MIND to manifest in your life.  You are using VISUALIZATION & AFFIRMATION technique to impress your desire to the SUB CONSCIOUS level.  Your SUB CONSCIOUS MIND function on the principle of SUB MODALITIES that is details about your desire.  Let us explore more about VISUALIZATION & AFFIRMATION. 


Please note that VISUALIZATION is the most powerful technique than AFFIRMATION (AUDIO) but most of them practicing in incorrect way.  I watched one YouTube podcast in Tamil Language by KENNET ALPHY.  The host was sharing his experience about the power of VISUALIZATION which is impressive. I give below the YouTube video link for those who can understand Tamil Language.

The host was studying in a college and the university rule state that the students are eligible to attend the Convocation ceremony only if they clear all subjects without arrear by the end of the last semester.  From the date of Joining the college till he completed his college tenure, the host was visualizing that he was attending the Convocation ceremony to get the Degree Certificate.  But at the end of the last semester he got 4 arrear papers and he was not eligible to attend the convocation ceremony during that year.  However he cleared all 4 arrear papers in the next 6 months after finishing his graduation.  His degree certificate got delayed from the University and finally arrived to his college along with current year Students Degree certificate for Convocation.  He was asked to attend the Convocation Ceremony to get his Degree Certificate along with the current year students by the college authority.  He attended the Convocation Ceremony in attire and got his Degree Certificate even though he was not entitled for it.  This is the incident shared by host in his podcast which shows how powerful the Visualization is. 


Now Let us understand the guidelines (Sub Modalities) to be followed during Visualization.  You want to become rich person and you are following Visualization Technique.  You are visualizing yourself as a rich person in Coat / Suit.

1.  Before Visualization you practice Breathing Technique / Meditation to calm your body and mind.  Your body and mind should be relaxed before Visualization.  Otherwise your visualization will be disturbed by negative or other thoughts.

2.  While Visualizing yourself as a rich person, you start initially in photo mode (still picture) ABOUT YOURSELF WITH CLEAR DETAILS and then expand to other details like your suit, car, bungalow etc. During Visualization  Your image should be

a.   COLOR  and not in Black & White

b.  Size of your image.  Is it BIG or Small ? Whether it is TV size or Mutiplex Cinema Screen ?

c.   Your image is in CENTER or around the corner ?

d.  HOW CLEAR YOUR FACE IS VISIBLE in the image.  Your face should be clearly visible to you.  If you are not able to see your face clearly during visualization then your sub conscious mind has got negative SELF IMAGE about you.  That is the reason why you are not able to see your face clearly as a rich man during the visualization.

e.   Are you able to see your image in the FRONT or at the back.  If your image is back (how far ?) it shows you have Low SELF IMAGE to that extent about yourself

f.    Your image is in Frame mode or PANORAMIC view.  Frame mode means your image is surrounded by Frame like photo frame.  PANORAMIC means showing full or wide view.

Initially You need to practice these NLP SUB MODALITY techniques in PHOTO (still) mode during Visualization with your IMAGE & other details.   Once you master the above point you then move to PICTURE / VIDEO mode.  Now you are seeing movements, discussion in the images.  Make note of the point that you need to bring the above said 6 SUB MODALITIES in the video mode.


4.  Initially in the development stage of your visualization, you may feel like to change few scenes or character of your mental picture.  You are the DIRECTOR of your life movie.   Take a week or two to firm up your movie with all details.  Then you visualize / run this movie without any change in your mental theatre till your desire manifest in your life.

5.  Most importantly you should Totally BECOME the character and feel it at every stage of your visualization.  Suppose if you are seeing yourself driving BMW car during visualization you should feel the cooling effect of AC, comfort, driving pleasure of BMW car.  In nutshell during Visualization you should totally forget your current situation or environment whatever it might be and BECOME the rich man who owned the BMW Car and FEEL it through your body sensation in the present moment.  Otherwise your Visualization has not reached its full potential.  It may take some time according to your commitment and consistent practice with intensity.

6.  Immediately After finishing Visualization process, you practice meditation once again for few minutes.  During Meditation observe whether your body still continuing in good feelings of the visualization.  If the Answer is Yes then you have mastered the art of Visualization and at this stage your desire will start manifest in your life.

7.  The whole exercise you can practice for minimum of 15 minutes or more and two times a day.  If possible practice fixed time every day.  Dedication and consistent effort is required.

G  Guidelines for AFFIRMATION (AUDIO)

1.  Finalize your AFFIRMATION which is short and with positive terms in present continuous.  Do not use the phrase “I WILL”

2.  Practice Breathing Technique and Meditation

3.  Internally Utter the AFFIRMATION.  Do not pronounce the AFFIRMATION.


5.  Attach FEELING to the Affirmation.

6.  Slowly try to stop the uttering of the Affirmation and ensure that Affirmation should echoing in your mind automatically with Vibration (Feeling) in the Body.  It may take few days according to your intensity

7.  Immediately After finishing Affirmation, practice Meditation and observe how your body feels.  If your body is in the same vibration, you are on right path.

8.  The whole exercise you can practice for minimum of 15 minutes or more and two times a day.  If possible practice fixed time every day.  Dedication and consistent effort is required.

Now let us attend to my follower Query of why he is not able to achieve desired result even after practicing Visualization and Affirmation.  I have also mentioned that he was in ANXIOUS STATE while discussing the issue.


Let us understand the term STATE from NLP point of view.  Human brain approximately consists of 80 Billion NEURONS (1 Billion = 100 crores) and other part of the Human body consists of 60 Trillion CELLS (1 Trillion = 100,000 Crores). These 80 Billion Neurons controls the 60 Trillion Body Cells.  If both Neurons and Body Cells are in same conditions for some time then it is called as your STATE OF BEING.  For example if you are in Anger state for some time it means both your neurons and body cells are in same anger condition. 


Suppose you are practicing your Visualization and your Brain Neurons (Which is conscious) follow your visualization image.  But if your body cells (which is unconscious) are in turmoil it would not follow the Neurons instruction.  In this case there is no coordination between your Brain Neurons and Body cells as both are in different condition.  In such condition your Visualization process will not function in its full potential and it will not reach Sub Conscious Mind.  That is the reason why I advised you to follow the Breathing Technique and Meditation for few minutes to calm your body and mind.  After visualization technique once again to practice Meditation to observe your bodily feeling.  If that good feeling persist even after meditation then it will send strong vibration to the Quantum Field / Universe.  It is your duty to ensure that you are staying in that good feeling for long period even after meditation. Most of us are FEELING GOOD STATE during Visualization and after some time while facing harsh realities of our life, we are FEELING NOT GOOD STATE during the rest of the day.  You need to observe that how many hours in day you are in FEELING GOOD STATE and FEELING NOT GOOD STATE.  Which STATE is dominating in your life decide whether your dream will come true or not.

In our follower case, he is practicing LOA techniques and FEELING GOOD STATE for short time and rest of his day he was in ANXIOUS STATE to get another good job.  Hence his dream of getting better job is getting postponed.  What he needs to do in this moment he has to sustain the GOOD FEELING STATE for long time and also not allowing the situation / environment and negative thoughts  to alter his GOOD FEELING STATE. 


Most importantly I have pointed him that motivation / drive behind his desire of  seeking new job is Frustration of not getting career growth which is not a good feeling.  He is not looking at his BLESSING of continuing in his current Job but counting his REGRETS of not getting his desired Career Growth. I advised him that he should feel GRATITUDE for continuing in his current job and with Peace of Mind to search for new Job along with practicing LOA techniques.  

We always look at what a person DESIRE and not understanding the motivation or drive behind the Desire.  If that motivation behind the desire is Good Feeling (Positive)  then the Desire will come true otherwise one should change his Desire or Motivation behind the Desire. 

If you have any query please share your comments.

Friday, December 15, 2023


 In my last blog, I have mentioned that we will explore more in details about Question 2 on “HOW TO MAKE WEAK CONSCIOUS MEMORY TO STRONG SUB CONSCIOUS IMPRINT SO AS TO REACH CHITTH / SUB CONSCIOUS ?”. 

There are 3 types of Memory. 

1.     Conscious Memory (Desire)

2.     Sub Conscious Memory (Want / Aspire) and

3.     Unconscious Memory (Need)

Before exploring these memory let us understand the meaning of the term NEED, WANT & DESIRE and try to connect these words to the 3 types of Memory.

NEEDS : Needs are the basic requirements for human survival such as food, shelter, and clothing. They are considered a primary motivator, as they are essential to sustain life.  For example a Software Engineering student who completed his graduation, basically NEED a job immediately to survive and start his professional career

WANT / ASPIRE : A want is something that you don’t absolutely need but will make your life a little better. Aspirations are dreams, hopes, or ambitions to achieve a life goal.  For example the Engineering student ASPIRE to become a PROJECT MANAGER in next 5 Years.

DESIRE : A desire is something you wish to have, regardless of your needs and wants.  For example the same Engineering student who ASPIRED for PROJECT MANAGER can also desire to have a Luxury Villa with Swimming Pool.

Ø Unconscious Memory addresses the basic requirements of your SURVIVAL NEEDS such as Breath, Food, Clothing, Shelter etc STEP BY STEP. First Unconscious will addresses your primary need for Food then clothing and then shelter   The survival instinct comes from Unconscious Memory.  UNCONSCIOUS MEMORY IS DATA OR INFORMATION WITH STRONGEST EMOTIONS  (GOOD OR BAD) WHICH ARE STORED IN THE BLOOD VEIN & BONE MARROW  ie EVERY CELL IN THE ENTIRE BODY.  

o   For better understanding We can compare the effect of the Unconscious Memory to the TSUNAMI impact where an extremely large and devastating wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea, destroying the nearby city. 


o   For better understanding we can compare the effect of the Sub Conscious Memory to those huge sea waves formed in the sea during Deep Depression which capsize even the big ship.  Those who watched the famous English movie “The Poseidon Adventure (1972)” can easily relate the impact of the huge sea waves formed in the sea during Deep Depression.  Sometime the sea waves can also enter into the nearby city area causing mild damages.


o   For better understanding we can compare the effect of the Conscious Memory to those Sea tides raising and falling during Full Moon or No Moon period, which has no or negligible effect. 

Now the user can easily understand the Power of the 3 types of Memory.  The Un Conscious Memory is most powerful, Sub Conscious Memory is Powerful and Conscious Memory is less Powerful. 

Your DESIRE / WISH which is stored in the Conscious Mind (Brain) is less powerful because it has very less emotion attached to that and hence it is may not be manifested.

When your DESIRE / WISH charged with Consistently Repeated strong vibrant emotions for some time then it becomes your WANT / ASPIRE and it will make an IMPRINT in the Sub Conscious Mind (Solar Plexus).  This Sub Conscious Imprint (Want / Aspiration) will manifest in your life in due course according to the strength of the emotion.

When your Sub Conscious Imprint (Want / Aspire) further get charged with strong emotion consistently for additional period then it become your NEED at Un Conscious Memory (Every cell of your body – Blood Vein & Bone Marrow).  In order to understand Un Conscious Memory I would like you to watch a portion of the Hindi Dubbed  Rajanikanth Movie Baashha  and the You Tube video link is given below.

Please note that the above link is for whole movie.  I would request you to watch portion of movie from 1:15:05 to 1:15:20 (15 Seconds) where the inspector talks about Un Conscious Behavior embedded in the bone and vein to Rajnikanth.  This would make you to understand the power of Un Conscious. 

Now I would like to explain these concepts using simple regular life style example.  Scenario I - Mr. X who Desire / Wish (Conscious or Waking Mind Activity) to get up at 4 AM in the morning to prepare for his IIT Entrance Exam and set an Alarm clock accordingly.  But in the early Morning when an Alarm bell rings at 4 AM he either stops or snooze the alarm and continue his sleep (Sub Conscious Activity).  In this case the Conscious or Waking mind thinks in one direction whereas his Sub Conscious or Habit Mind behave in different direction.  The direction of Conscious Desire and Sub Conscious Behavior / Habit are different and Mr. X cannot fulfil his wishes or desire of getting up at 4 AM.  Hence Mr. X  has to ensure the Conscious Thought (Desire) to align with Sub Conscious Behavior / Habit.  He has to charge more positive emotions to that Conscious thought through Affirmation or Visualization so that the Conscious Thought with emotion form as a new habit in the Sub Conscious Mind.

In Mr. X case let us assume till his 10th Standard he used to get up at 7 AM regularly.  Due to IIT Entrance Exam he desired to get up at 4 AM for preparation.  However his old habit (LAZINESS / COMFORT ZONE) of getting up at 7 AM prevents him to wake up at 4 AM. Mr. X has decided to motivate himself by charging more positive emotions to his thought for a period of 24 days or more so that it can become his new habit.  Once after practicing he finds it easy to get up at 4 AM and continued this habit till he completed his IIT study. After getting a Job Mr. X again gone to COMFORT ZONE and started getting up at 7AM every day and his new formed habit of getting up at 4 AM has discontinued.  In such case it is difficult for Mr. X to wake up at 4 AM due to discontinued Habits.  The Key Takeaway in this example is that The New Formed Habits Should Be In Continuous Use, Otherwise Old Habit Once Again take over Quickly. 

KEY POINT : Old Bad Habits Are Like Weed Which Need No Attention And It Will Automatically Grow Fast, Whereas The New Good Habits Are Like Plant Which Need Your Constant Attention And Nurture To Grow.

In Human Brain, through consistence practice, it takes minimum of 24 days to 64 days (in some cases more days) to form a new habit pattern and also it depends on how often you are using the new formed habit. Let us take another practical example.  In South India especially Chennai and Kerala during December Month lot of Hindu devotees used to visit Sabarimala “LORD AYYAPPAN” temple in Kerala.  To visit temple the devotees has to be observe strict vritham (self restraint) for 48 days to keep away from eating non veg,  smoking, alcohol and other worldly pleasure.  There are devotees who used to take non veg, smoking and alcohol earlier also follow strict restriction to refrain from these activities in those 48 days. Once after finishing the deity darshan at Sabarimala and reaching home, lot of the devotees  immediately resume their old habits.  Once after stopping these habits for 48 days it must have become their NEW HABIT and they could have easily given up their OLD HABIT.  In other words, if those habits are so persistent to them then how come they have given up the habits in those Vritham period of 48 days ?.  The reason is that those devotees have given up their habits for 48 days not because of their desires or Aspiration but due to compulsion the FEAR IN THE FORM OF  RELIGIOUS FAITH. 

KEY POINT :  Any New Habit Has To Be Formed With Natural Strong DESIRE / LIKE So That It Can Become Part Of One’s Personality. If  Your Fear / Religious Faith Or Any Other Criteria Has Become A Catalyst (Similar To  WILL POWER) To Form That New Habit, It Will Not Become Part Of Your Personality.   

Now Let us understand about WILL POWER. 


Here is something else that is very important to understand.  Most people try to change their habits and beliefs through the use of willpower. I WILL stop smoking. I WILL become wealthy, etc.

The Problem With Willpower Is, Willpower Does Not Exist!

The truth is that you do not have willpower or lack of willpower. What is really happening when you use what most people call "WILLPOWER" IS YOUR CONSCIOUS FOCUSED ATTENTION IS OVERRIDING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS INTENTION.

In other words, you can always CONSCIOUSLY override what the SUBCONSCIOUS mind has been programmed to do. For example, if you're a alcoholic and you consciously decide not to drink alcohol, you probably will not drink - for a while. However, the moment you get distracted or Frustrated, the alcohol bottle ends up in your hand because your SUBCONSCIOUS intention which is most powerful prompts you to drink, so you drink.  

In this connection I give below link of Tamil Movie clip comedy scene which explain the Power of Sub Conscious Mind over Will Power in a jovial way.  It is in Tamil and it is difficult for me to explain in English or Hindi.  A drunkard who got severe health issue goes to Doctor for Treatment and the Doctor Advised him not to indulge in drink and if so it will have severe impact on his health.  He came out of Nursing Home with Will Power and Committed not to drink alcohol and also not to think about that.  However on his way to home he encountered few people and through  casual interactions he got the CUE / SIGNAL reminding about alcohol every time.  Pathetically Every body treat this as a Joke, but only very few can recognize the hidden true message about the POWER OF SUB CONSCIOUS OVER WILL POWER.

Scenario II – Mr. Y who Desire / Wish (Conscious or Waking Mind Activity) to get up at 4 AM in the morning to prepare for his IIT Entrance Exam and set an Alarm clock accordingly.  In the early Morning when an Alarm bell rings at 4 AM he wakes up and started preparing for his examination.  In this case, The direction of Conscious Desire and Sub Conscious Behavior /Habit are the same and Mr. Y can easily fulfil his wishes or desire of getting up at 4 AM and it becomes his Sub Conscious Habit.  Please note that however Mr. Y need a stimuli like Alarm Clock to wake up at 4 AM even though it has become his Sub Conscious Behavior / Habit.

Scenario III – Mr. Z who has been getting up at 4 AM for last few years consistently.  He does not require even alarm clock to wake up at 4 AM.  His physical body itself (Un Conscious) has become alarm clock and it does not need any external stimuli.  In Mr. Z case this habit has become Un Conscious and it is deep rooted at Cellular level. 

How  these scenario going to help us in the Law of Attraction Process.  Lot of Readers ask the question “I am not able to Manifest my strong desire despite regular practice of Affirmation and Visualization”.

The Answer is your Strong Desire has  not reached at Sub Conscious Level and it remains at Conscious thinking level.  It is your duty to make your desire to reach at Sub Conscious level as ASPIRATION/ WANT so that it will manifest in your life in due course.  However if you make your desire to reach at Un Conscious level  as SURVIVAL NEED then it will manifest at the earliest.

If you want to learn more about Conscious, Sub Conscious and Un Conscious Mind, I would recommend you to watch few movies available in You Tube and the links are given below with movie names.  

However I recommend strongly to watch CHANDRAMUKHI movie and pay more attention to the female character GANGA played by actress Jyotika and male character Dr. Saravanan played by Rajinikant.  Especially observe the dialogue when Ganga lift the heavy wooden big Cot with single hand.  In that scene Dr. Saravanan give a demo to his friend Senthilnathan  and explain the power of Sub Conscious Mind.  The whole movie is really worth to watch and my request is that you should watch this movie with the learning intention. 




Monday, November 27, 2023


 In this Blog, I am explaining about How the 4 Dimensions / Parts of the Mind Functioning with respect to Forming of PERCEPTION through Sensory Input.  Please note that MIND is a Meta Physics Subject and even Psychologist & Medical Practitioners making sincere attempt to know more about Mind.  Hence whatever I have learned and understood about Mind through my limited Knowledge and experiences I am sharing my views about Mind and its Functionality.  I give below the diagrams which represents the rough sketch of Mind Parts and its functionalities.



 Let us understand the Mind functions step by step,

 Before that we understand the Perception and its 4 stages. 

1)   Perception allows people to Notice & then Select the sensory information and stimuli that are intense / Strong often to attract our attention

2)   Make the information into something meaningful through Organization (comparing existing knowledge with the stimuli)  

3)   Interpretation (making meaning of the stimuli) . It is also necessary for people to identify potential dangers (Negative emotions) and stay safe.

4)   Memory (Storage of one's experience about the stimuli)

Let us get into the subject in depth.  Through Sensory Organs (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue & Touch) Stimuli are sent to the Brain through Spinal Cord.  Brain sends the Input to the Mind.  If the Mind gets attached to that Data further it will process, otherwise it will discard the data.  This process is called SELECTION.  For example you are walking in a crowded place and seeing lot of people and none of them draws your attention, but if you NOTICE your friend at distance in the crowd then your mind start immediately Focusing (SELECT) on him.  In this way your Mind eliminate most of the trivial things.

Now the Mind has got a Sensory Input Data and it wanted more related data for that Sensory Input.  Hence it will advise Memory (MANAS) to furnish more related information about the Sensory Input and ORGANIZE them to be acted upon by Intellect (BUDDHI)

Ø If Memory found no related information in the storage Media (Brain or Sub Conscious) it will inform the Mind.  Then the Mind try to ASSOCIATE the Input with Familiar Known Object and store the Input with Associated Data in the storage Media.  For example If a person who lived in an Isolated Jungle not seen and having no idea about an Airplane till date.  Suddenly he saw a flying airplane.  In order to understand Airplane, he will ASSOCIATE Airplane to a Flying Bird known to him and store the data in the Memory with association.  Whenever he see a flying airplane again, he recognize the object through Association.

Ø If Memory found any information related to the sensory input in Brain or CHITTH (Sub Conscious) it will pass on the data to the Mind

The Mind has got a) brain forwarded Sensory Input data (STIMULI)  and b) Memory (MANAS) supplied data related to the Sensory Input.  Mind send these data to Intellect (BUDDHI) for INTERPRETATION.  Intellect will apply Reasoning, Logic, Environment Condition and Belief System etc as filtering mode to pass through. Please note that Intellect differ to each person because of their belief system, Environment and other factors.  For example a person born in Southern Part of India – Chennai belief system differs compared to a Person born in Western Part of India - Gujarat.  South Indians strongly believe that through proper education only, one can survive and thrive in any part of the world.  Whereas Gujarati people strongly believe that through proper understanding and practice of Business Practices and techniques only, one can lead a prosperous life.   This is the reason why EDTECH company like Byjus strategies their Business Operation more around Southern Part.

For easy understanding we can assume





Another Part or Dimension of Mind (AHANKAR) / IDENTITY or EGO is the portion of your personality (IDENTITY / MASK ) that is in contact with the external world.  EGO also review the Sensory Input data.  The Sensory Input Data should be Attractive Enough to Catch the attention of the Ego.  For example you might have seen lot of cars passing through you while walking on a road. You LIKE few cars and note that these LIKEs have a LOW EMOTION attached to that.  Hence these model cars might have got stored in your CONSCIOUS MEMORY for a temporary period and it will be fade away in due course of time.  But suddenly one BMW car in Black color is zipping through you and you watched the BMW car with amazement and you feel WOW about the car in that moment.  This time your EGO / AHANKAR ATTACHED ITS STRONG EMOTION to the SENSORY INPUT. When the Emotion is Strong Enough then it will fall from MEMORY  into Sub Conscious as IMPRINT.  

Please note that your WISH OR DESIRE AT CONSCIOUS MIND WILL REACH AT SUB CONSCIOUS  ONLY IF YOUR EGO / IDENTITY ENDORSED IT.  SO YOUR EGO IS LIKE AN "EMMIGRATION OFFICER" AT AIRPORT WHO CHECKS YOUR PASSPORT (DESIRES) AND STAMP / ENDORSED IT, AFTER THAT ONLY YOU (DESIRE) CAN LEAVE THE IMMIGRATION COUNTER (REACH SUB CONSCIOUS MIND).  So if you want Law of Attraction to work on your Desire, your EGO has to endorse it otherwise it will remain as mere wish at Conscious level and it will never acted upon.

MIND has got 1) INTELLECT / BUDDHI suggested Sensory Input data and 2) AHANKAR/EGO approved Emotion attached Sensory Input.  Out of these 2 Sensory Input data one has to be finalized and acted upon. The Mind always look for Emotions of Pleasure or Pain.  Mind Nature is to avoid PAIN (PHYSICAL & MENTAL) at any cost to put you in COMFORT ZONE or SURVIVAL MODE.   Those Input / Data which has PAIN EMOTION attached to that, will emerge as Winner in General.  Winner Sensory data get stored in Brain initially and then after some time through repetition of  the same Thought with Strong Emotion will create IMPRINT  in CHITTH (Sub Conscious).   This is a Simple and general way of explaining HOW THE MIND FUNCTIONS.  

Let us discuss few LAW OF ATTRACTION Facts Here.

Q1.  I have used the word “Winner data get stored in Brain initially and then after some time in CHITTH (Sub Conscious) ”.  Now you may ask question Why Data Is Getting Stored In Brain first and then in CHITTH (Sub Conscious) After Some Time ?.  If you observe we always use the term “CONSCIOUS MEMORY” & “SUB CONSCIOUS IMPRINT”.  Memory can be WEAK and it can be faded away in short period.  It is like, You are writing your name on beach sand and continuous wind will erase the name after some time.  Whereas the Sub Conscious Imprints are STRONG and it will last long.  It is like CARVING your name on boulder and it will take longer period to get eroded. Writing on sand is easy and take less effort whereas carving on boulder is tough job and it takes more dedicated and long period effort.  That is the reason initially the mind stores the finalized sensory input data (our example Black BMW Car) in the Brain as CONSCIOUS MEMORY which is WEAK.  As long as your thought on Black BMW car stays only in the Brain without strong associated emotion it will remain as your wish or dream (BUDDING STAGE) only for some time and then FADE away.

Q2. HOW TO MAKE WEAK CONSCIOUS MEMORY TO STRONG SUB CONSCIOUS IMPRINT SO AS TO REACH CHITTH / SUB CONSCIOUS.  In order to reach SUB CONSCIOUS IMPRINT (FLOWERING) you have to make the simple Conscious thought more vibrant (STRONG) with Emotion through your dedicated effort and this process will take some time. It is like how BUD take time to become FLOWER.  To make simple, Conscious thought can be made more vibrant or energized through AFFIRMATION (Words and Emotion) & VISUALIZATION (Mental Picture and Emotion).  This means that you are repeatedly bringing your desire (CONSCIOUS MEMORY) as thought or mental picture, stay focused on that without any impediment thoughts and also adding Strong Emotion to that for FEW DAYS (LOOP) CONSISTENTLY so that CONSCIOUS MEMORY become more vibrant due to Emotional Charges and one day it become fully energized and then fall into the Sub Conscious as IMPRINT.  When the Sub Conscious Imprint further gets more energized then it will become UNCONSCIOUS means every cell of your body carry this information.  Through your efforts you are making it happening. We will explore more about this point in our next blog content.  The SECRET book says in philosophical way, once your desire reaches Sub Conscious, the universe will find its own way to fulfill your dream. In Psychological terms it refers that “YOU ARE BECOMING THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE”. This is what we refer as “TRANSFORMATION” in the last blog posting. In this state whatever action you perform, you are taking one step towards your goal.

Q3. HOW MANY DAYS (The Time Duration) IT TAKES TO MAKE WEAK MEMORY TO STRONG SUBCONSCIOUS IMPRINTS ?.  It depends on the person.  If he does it with Consistent, Dedicate and truly bring Strong Emotion to the Desire and live with it, you can make it happen at an early date

Q4. WHY FEELING / EMOTION IS SO IMPORTANT ?  In the SECRET Book it says “WHATEVER YOU THINK / DESIRE, IT WILL COME TRUE IN LIFE”.  But it is partially correct.  Thinking & Feeling is complimentary to each other.  But Thinking is the Prerequisite and Feeling is the Dominating Factor.   In simple word Thinking is like a balloon and Feeling is like the Gas.  Only Gas inside the balloon can take the balloon to height.  Similarly Feeling / Emotion is the Spirit which make you to act upon on your Desire to reach the Goal.

In the next Article we will explore more about this.

Best Wishes



Lot of Motivational gurus give importance to the Power of the Subconscious Mind and undermine the power of the Conscious Mind. They compar...