Thursday, August 22, 2024


Lot of Motivational gurus give importance to the Power of the Subconscious Mind and undermine the power of the Conscious Mind. They compare the sub conscious mind is 10 times more powerful than Conscious Mind which is also fact. Let us learn more about the Conscious Mind and the Sub Conscious Mind. The Conscious Mind is like a captain of the ship which analysis the current situation in Logical & Rational way and shows us the direction to take action. Whereas the Sub Conscious Mind, Is the store house of Habits. Beliefs Past Conditioning are strong force by nature. Let us see how practically the sub conscious mind rules our behavior and action.

I am a member of group in the face book. I give below the details of another member opinion about the power of the Conscious and Sub Conscious mind and I give below my comment for the readers benefit.
Member comments : Radhakrishnan I appreciate your reply. And I agree with almost all of your comment. But again, your conscious mind has nothing with who you are as a person. It has nothing to do with shaping a person's life. All of that comes from the Subconscious Mind. Take serial killers. for example. They consciously know what they're doing is wrong. That's why they try not to get caught? But it's their Subconscious programming that causes them to do what they do.
My take on this : I beg to differ your view about the role of Conscious mind in developing one's character. For example a person who wants (consciously) to get up early in the morning every day for walking and set an alarm at 6 AM. Next day morning when alarm start ringing he stop the alarm and continue sleeping by old habit. In Previous night, the Conscious Mind decided to get up at 6AM and in the next day morning, the sub conscious habit pattern made that person to continue his sleep. The habits and believes are stored in the one's sub conscious mind and you are rightly pointed out the sub conscious mind is certainly more powerful than Conscious Mind. In order to tame the Sub Conscious mind you are using your WILLPOWER. WILL POWER is nothing but you are Empowering Your Conscious Thought To Overcome Subconscious Belief And Habit. You might have noticed that a chain smoker given up his smoking habit all of sudden. It could be strong CONSCIOUS URGE (WILLPOWER) to give up the bad habit or to avoid the worst health condition like Lung Cancer which can threaten his life survival if he continue his smoking habit. Famous Motivational Speaker Jim Rohn quote "For a thing to change (in life), You have to change" . In simple word if you continue to behave according to your sub conscious habits, behavior and belief which is not supporting your growth then you need to change those Habits / Belief or Behavior through Awareness (conscious) accompanied with action. Albert Einstein Famous Quote " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different Result"

Simple example to make my point clear to you all. A Person who currently having body weight of 100 Kgs and he strongly desired (SPECIFIC GOAL) to bring down is body weight to 70 Kgs within an year, by 31st Aug 2025 . But the person's childhood conditioning (BELIEF) is that "OBSEITY RUNS IN OUR FAMILY". Unless and until he change his Sub Conscious belief system he cannot achieve his Conscious Goal. Now the person can take conscious decision using his WILL POWER to Eat Nutritional Healthy Food and Practice regular & Consistent Exercise regime. But it is arduous task as he is taking action against his current Belief and he has to exercise his will power to over ride the Sub conscious Belief. Otherwise the life has got its own way to teach a lesson through ailment like Heart Attack.

So AWARE of your Bad Habits / Belief which prevents you in reaching your Goals, and take CONSCIOUS decision to over come them through small achievable action Consistently for considerable period. Currently, If you are in the habit of getting up at 7 AM in the morning and you would like to get up at 6 AM every day, do not set your goal to get up at 6AM. Instead you set goal to get up at 6.50AM for one week only and conquer this. If you could do this this will boost your SELF CONFIDENCE resulting increase in your SELF ESTEEM & SELF IMAGE. For the next week you set goal to get up at 6.40AM and conquer this. Such SMALL INCREMENTAL GOAL which is achievable will IMPROVE your personality gradually. ATOMIC HABITS BY JAMES CLEAR is a book that talks about the power of SMALL HABITS IN CREATING LASTING CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE. Unlike generic motivational books, this book tells you that real change comes from COUNTLESS SMALL DECISIONS, not just motivation. The most critical takeaway from "Atomic Habits" is the idea that any kind of long-term transformation is the product of identity (SELF IMAGE) change. Key Note : SELF-BELIEF is one of the Main ingredient of SELF-IMAGE

What makes the difference between ANIMAL & HUMAN BEING. Animals are mostly driven by Sub Conscious Behavior. They got hard wired sub conscious program which is difficult to change. Whereas Human Beings are having Sub Conscious Program as well as Awareness (Conscious) about Sub Conscious Program. Gautam Buddha who was a prince, all of a sudden Consciously gave up princely life to become Buddha an enlightened being and we are all revered him. Human Being can aware of their emotion, habit and beliefs. If we are aware of our bad Sub Conscious Programs and through our conscious persistent effort we can make changes in habit in small way, by taking corrective action. Sometime we can take action by ourself to overcome negative beliefs / habits or otherwise we need to consult therapist for medical help. Even the serial killer aware of what he is doing is not correct. But he is acting on his impulsive (Subconscious Program). If he truly wanted to come out of this and take appropriate action he can get over this by seeking necessary medical help.

Nature made Animals similar to Bus. Bus require terrain or ground to move. similarly animals require Sub Conscious programs to survive. The same Nature made Human Beings as Aero plane. Aero plane use the runway initially to take off and then finally move to sky. Human Beings till our Adulthood (16 - 18 years) we can use the runway (Sub Conscious programs) to lead our early life and then we are all expected to take off and fly in the sky using our conscious mind to build our own dreamed life. But pathetically most of us navigate only in the ground leading mediocre unfulfilled life, the life designed by parents, society or culture till last breath and not taking off to the sky, to shape up their dreamed fulfilled life.

See you in the next post.

Sunday, July 28, 2024


During my interaction with one of my follower, he has raised one very important query about LOA. He is working in an organization and not happy about his career growth. He wanted to switch his job and applied Jobs in other companies. Simultaneously he also practiced with dedication, various techniques of LOA like AFFIRMATION & VISUALIZATION every day, but he was not getting the desired result. He asked me while discussing why LOA Techniques not working for him. From his tone I realized that he was in ANXIOUS STATE. I am sharing my views, which I discussed with him in detail for others benefit.

I am going to explain those concepts with the help of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) Technique in a simple way. Your mind / brain is getting information as inputs through 5 sense Organs (Visual - Eye, Audio - Ear, Smell - Nose, Taste - Tongue and Touch/Feel - Body). The input getting through these five Sensory organs are called as MODALITIES in NLP.  But these information / input is getting stored at SUB CONSCIOUS Level with SUB MODALITIES.  Sub Modalities are nothing but details about the Sensory Information that are getting stored along with that information.  For example you are seeing (Visual through eye) Mercedes-Benz car.  The Benz car image is stored at your Sub Conscious level with other attributes like Color, Size, Brightness, Close or Far etc.  These attributes (Color, Size, Brightness) of the information is called SUB MODALITIES.  Similarly for Audio (sound)  has got SUB MODALITIES or attributes like Volume, Speed, Direction etc.  Feeling / Sense has got SUB MODALITIES like Temperature, Weight, Location, Movement etc


You are desiring at your CONSCIOUS MIND Level and this desire has to reach your SUB CONSCIOUS MIND to manifest in your life.  You are using VISUALIZATION & AFFIRMATION technique to impress your desire to the SUB CONSCIOUS level.  Your SUB CONSCIOUS MIND function on the principle of SUB MODALITIES that is details about your desire.  Let us explore more about VISUALIZATION & AFFIRMATION. 


Please note that VISUALIZATION is the most powerful technique than AFFIRMATION (AUDIO) but most of them practicing in incorrect way.  I watched one YouTube podcast in Tamil Language by KENNET ALPHY.  The host was sharing his experience about the power of VISUALIZATION which is impressive. I give below the YouTube video link for those who can understand Tamil Language.

The host was studying in a college and the university rule state that the students are eligible to attend the Convocation ceremony only if they clear all subjects without arrear by the end of the last semester.  From the date of Joining the college till he completed his college tenure, the host was visualizing that he was attending the Convocation ceremony to get the Degree Certificate.  But at the end of the last semester he got 4 arrear papers and he was not eligible to attend the convocation ceremony during that year.  However he cleared all 4 arrear papers in the next 6 months after finishing his graduation.  His degree certificate got delayed from the University and finally arrived to his college along with current year Students Degree certificate for Convocation.  He was asked to attend the Convocation Ceremony to get his Degree Certificate along with the current year students by the college authority.  He attended the Convocation Ceremony in attire and got his Degree Certificate even though he was not entitled for it.  This is the incident shared by host in his podcast which shows how powerful the Visualization is. 


Now Let us understand the guidelines (Sub Modalities) to be followed during Visualization.  You want to become rich person and you are following Visualization Technique.  You are visualizing yourself as a rich person in Coat / Suit.

1.  Before Visualization you practice Breathing Technique / Meditation to calm your body and mind.  Your body and mind should be relaxed before Visualization.  Otherwise your visualization will be disturbed by negative or other thoughts.

2.  While Visualizing yourself as a rich person, you start initially in photo mode (still picture) ABOUT YOURSELF WITH CLEAR DETAILS and then expand to other details like your suit, car, bungalow etc. During Visualization  Your image should be

a.   COLOR  and not in Black & White

b.  Size of your image.  Is it BIG or Small ? Whether it is TV size or Mutiplex Cinema Screen ?

c.   Your image is in CENTER or around the corner ?

d.  HOW CLEAR YOUR FACE IS VISIBLE in the image.  Your face should be clearly visible to you.  If you are not able to see your face clearly during visualization then your sub conscious mind has got negative SELF IMAGE about you.  That is the reason why you are not able to see your face clearly as a rich man during the visualization.

e.   Are you able to see your image in the FRONT or at the back.  If your image is back (how far ?) it shows you have Low SELF IMAGE to that extent about yourself

f.    Your image is in Frame mode or PANORAMIC view.  Frame mode means your image is surrounded by Frame like photo frame.  PANORAMIC means showing full or wide view.

Initially You need to practice these NLP SUB MODALITY techniques in PHOTO (still) mode during Visualization with your IMAGE & other details.   Once you master the above point you then move to PICTURE / VIDEO mode.  Now you are seeing movements, discussion in the images.  Make note of the point that you need to bring the above said 6 SUB MODALITIES in the video mode.


4.  Initially in the development stage of your visualization, you may feel like to change few scenes or character of your mental picture.  You are the DIRECTOR of your life movie.   Take a week or two to firm up your movie with all details.  Then you visualize / run this movie without any change in your mental theatre till your desire manifest in your life.

5.  Most importantly you should Totally BECOME the character and feel it at every stage of your visualization.  Suppose if you are seeing yourself driving BMW car during visualization you should feel the cooling effect of AC, comfort, driving pleasure of BMW car.  In nutshell during Visualization you should totally forget your current situation or environment whatever it might be and BECOME the rich man who owned the BMW Car and FEEL it through your body sensation in the present moment.  Otherwise your Visualization has not reached its full potential.  It may take some time according to your commitment and consistent practice with intensity.

6.  Immediately After finishing Visualization process, you practice meditation once again for few minutes.  During Meditation observe whether your body still continuing in good feelings of the visualization.  If the Answer is Yes then you have mastered the art of Visualization and at this stage your desire will start manifest in your life.

7.  The whole exercise you can practice for minimum of 15 minutes or more and two times a day.  If possible practice fixed time every day.  Dedication and consistent effort is required.

G  Guidelines for AFFIRMATION (AUDIO)

1.  Finalize your AFFIRMATION which is short and with positive terms in present continuous.  Do not use the phrase “I WILL”

2.  Practice Breathing Technique and Meditation

3.  Internally Utter the AFFIRMATION.  Do not pronounce the AFFIRMATION.


5.  Attach FEELING to the Affirmation.

6.  Slowly try to stop the uttering of the Affirmation and ensure that Affirmation should echoing in your mind automatically with Vibration (Feeling) in the Body.  It may take few days according to your intensity

7.  Immediately After finishing Affirmation, practice Meditation and observe how your body feels.  If your body is in the same vibration, you are on right path.

8.  The whole exercise you can practice for minimum of 15 minutes or more and two times a day.  If possible practice fixed time every day.  Dedication and consistent effort is required.

Now let us attend to my follower Query of why he is not able to achieve desired result even after practicing Visualization and Affirmation.  I have also mentioned that he was in ANXIOUS STATE while discussing the issue.


Let us understand the term STATE from NLP point of view.  Human brain approximately consists of 80 Billion NEURONS (1 Billion = 100 crores) and other part of the Human body consists of 60 Trillion CELLS (1 Trillion = 100,000 Crores). These 80 Billion Neurons controls the 60 Trillion Body Cells.  If both Neurons and Body Cells are in same conditions for some time then it is called as your STATE OF BEING.  For example if you are in Anger state for some time it means both your neurons and body cells are in same anger condition. 


Suppose you are practicing your Visualization and your Brain Neurons (Which is conscious) follow your visualization image.  But if your body cells (which is unconscious) are in turmoil it would not follow the Neurons instruction.  In this case there is no coordination between your Brain Neurons and Body cells as both are in different condition.  In such condition your Visualization process will not function in its full potential and it will not reach Sub Conscious Mind.  That is the reason why I advised you to follow the Breathing Technique and Meditation for few minutes to calm your body and mind.  After visualization technique once again to practice Meditation to observe your bodily feeling.  If that good feeling persist even after meditation then it will send strong vibration to the Quantum Field / Universe.  It is your duty to ensure that you are staying in that good feeling for long period even after meditation. Most of us are FEELING GOOD STATE during Visualization and after some time while facing harsh realities of our life, we are FEELING NOT GOOD STATE during the rest of the day.  You need to observe that how many hours in day you are in FEELING GOOD STATE and FEELING NOT GOOD STATE.  Which STATE is dominating in your life decide whether your dream will come true or not.

In our follower case, he is practicing LOA techniques and FEELING GOOD STATE for short time and rest of his day he was in ANXIOUS STATE to get another good job.  Hence his dream of getting better job is getting postponed.  What he needs to do in this moment he has to sustain the GOOD FEELING STATE for long time and also not allowing the situation / environment and negative thoughts  to alter his GOOD FEELING STATE. 


Most importantly I have pointed him that motivation / drive behind his desire of  seeking new job is Frustration of not getting career growth which is not a good feeling.  He is not looking at his BLESSING of continuing in his current Job but counting his REGRETS of not getting his desired Career Growth. I advised him that he should feel GRATITUDE for continuing in his current job and with Peace of Mind to search for new Job along with practicing LOA techniques.  

We always look at what a person DESIRE and not understanding the motivation or drive behind the Desire.  If that motivation behind the desire is Good Feeling (Positive)  then the Desire will come true otherwise one should change his Desire or Motivation behind the Desire. 

If you have any query please share your comments.


Lot of Motivational gurus give importance to the Power of the Subconscious Mind and undermine the power of the Conscious Mind. They compar...